Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de consist

to consistconsistir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I consistyo consisto
you consisttú consistes
he consistsél consiste
she consistsella consiste
we consistnosotros consistimos
you consistvosotros consistís
they consistellos consisten
they consistellas consisten

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I consistedyo consistí
you consistedtú consististe
he consistedél consistió
she consistedella consistió
we consistednosotros consistimos
you consistedvosotros consististeis
they consistedellos consistieron
they consistedellas consistieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have consistedyo he consistido
you have consistedtú has consistido
he has consistedél ha consistido
she has consistedella ha consistido
we have consistednosotros hemos consistido
you have consistedvosotros habéis consistido
they have consistedellos han consistido
they have consistedellas han consistido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had consistedyo había consistido
you had consistedtú habías consistido
he had consistedél había consistido
she had consistedella había consistido
we had consistednosotros habíamos consistido
you had consistedvosotros habíais consistido
they had consistedellos habían consistido
they had consistedellas habían consistido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will consistyo consistiré
you will consisttú consistirás
he will consistél consistirá
she will consistella consistirá
we will consistnosotros consistiremos
you will consistvosotros consistiréis
they will consistellos consistirán
they will consistellas consistirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have consistedyo habré consistido
you will have consistedtú habrás consistido
he will have consistedél habrá consistido
she will have consistedella habrá consistido
we will have consistednosotros habremos consistido
you will have consistedvosotros habréis consistido
they will have consistedellos habrán consistido
they will have consistedellas habrán consistido

I would consistyo consistiría
you would consisttú consistirías
he would consistél consistiría
she would consistella consistiría
we would consistnosotros consistiríamos
you would consistvosotros consistiríais
they would consistellos consistirían
they would consistellas consistirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have consistedyo habría consistido
you would have consistedtú habrías consistido
he would have consistedél habría consistido
she would have consistedella habría consistido
we would have consistednosotros habríamos consistido
you would have consistedvosotros habríais consistido
they would have consistedellos habrían consistido
they would have consistedellas habrían consistido

Participio presenteAnotado
consisting consistiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
consisted consistido

Más verbos

Aprenda esto con
Opción múltiple
Juego del Ahorcado
Sopa de Letras
Invertir P/R